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City of Chico

City of Chico

On July 1, 2020, the communities of Chapman and Mulberry were recently added to the City of Chico through the Chapman Neighborhood Annexation. As a result, the City is now providing their municipal services. Below are summaries and contact numbers for key services provided by the City.

Police Department

The Police Department provides patrol, traffic, investigations, and animal control functions, and stresses crime prevention through a community outreach program.
The House Watch Program program will make periodic checks on your residence if you are away from your home for an extended period of time (e.g., vacation), the Volunteers In Police Service (VIPS). 
Police Department: (530) 897-4900 
Animal Control: (530) 879-4960 
VIPS (House Watch scheduling): (530) 897-5861

Fire Department

The Fire Department provides fire suppression, performs rescue and emergency medical services, provides safety inspections, and has an active public education program.
Join the Community Connect program to share your household information with the Fire Department. It is a free, secure, and easy way for our communities to provide critical information about their households to our first responders. By providing information about you or your residence that you feel is important for our emergency response personnel to know about in the unfortunate event that there is an emergency, we can ensure you and everything you care about can be better protected.
Fire Department: (530) 897-3400

Public Works

Public Works is divided into two departments, Engineering and Operations and Maintenance. 
Public Works Engineering is responsible for engineering for transportation, traffic, development, sewer and storm drain, right-of-way and capital project services. 
Public Works Operations and Maintenance is responsible for wastewater treatment, right-of-way and street cleaning maintenance, parks and open spaces, street trees and public plantings, traffic safety, underground, fleet services, buildings and facilities maintenance and the Chico Municipal Airport.
Engineering: (530) 879-6900
Parks and Street Trees: (530) 896-7800 or
Operations and Maintenance: (530) 894-4200 or

Community Development Department

The Community Development Department includes Building, Code Enforcement, Housing and Planning.
The Building Division is responsible for ensuring building construction is in compliance with applicable building safety codes.
Code Enforcement responds to community concerns regarding code compliance and nuisance issues.
The Housing Division oversees the City’s housing programs and related community development activities.
The Planning Division administers the City’s land use and development regulations.
Building: (530) 879-6700
Code Enfocement: (530) 879-6330
Housing: (530) 879-6300
Planning: (530) 879-6800

City Administration

City Administration includes Administrative Services, City Manager's Office, City Attorney's Office and City Clerk's Office.
The Administrative Services Department includes Information Services and the Finance Office. Finance manages the City's budget and financial responsibilities, and licensing such as business and dog licenses.
The City Manager’s Office provides leadership in the execution of policies and objectives approved by the City Council.
The City Attorney’s Office manages legal matters for the City and advises the City Council, City departments, and advisory bodies.
The City Clerk’s Office acts as a liaison between the public, City departments and City Council, coordinates all elections and special events or functions attended by the Council and City staff, and maintains the legislative history of the City of Chico.
Finance: (530) 879-7300
City Manager: (530) 896-7200
City Attorney: (530) 896-7600
City Clerk: (530) 896-7250

Benefits of Annexation

The benefits of annexation include the availability of City sewer service, improved police service, potential increased use of your parcel when connected to City sewer service, and the right to vote in all City elections and to serve on City boards and commissions. We are happy that your are part of our community and are here to help at the above numbers should you have any questions.