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City of Chico

City of Chico

City of Chico Business License

All businesses engaging in transactions within Chico's city limits are required to have a current business license.  This includes businesses from a home-based office.  If your business is located in Downtown Chico, you must also complete the Downtown Parking and Business Improvement Area application online.  To obtain additional information on Business Licenses, and to complete a Business License application, contact the City of Chico Finance Office at (530) 879-7320 or apply directly HERE.

Fictitious Business Name

If you are operating under any name other than your own, you must file a Fictitious Business Name Statement with the Butte County Recorder's Office: (530) 538-7691.

Butte County Health Department

If you operate a business that is food related, you must contact the Butte County Environmental Health Department at (530) 891-2727 for additional information.

CalGold Permit Assistance

For a summary of the types of permits that may be necessary based on business type, the State of California has development the CalGold site:

Development Review, Planning & Zoning

For assistance with Development Review, Planning or Zoning, contact the City of Chico Planning Division at 530-879-6800.

Building Permits

For questions regarding Building Permits, contact the City of Chico Building Division at 530-879-6700.